Thick Lens Diagram

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Thick lens diagram.
  • d=thickness of lens at center
  • e=thickness of lens at edge
  • r1=radius of curvature of the first surface
  • r2=radius of curvature of the second surface
  • H=primary principal plane
  • H′=secondary principal plane
  • F=front focal point
  • F′=back focal point
  • S1=vertex of the first optical surface
  • S2=vertex of the second optical surface
  • SH=distance from the vertex of the first optical surface to the primary principal plane
  • S′H′=distance from the vertex of the second optical surface to the secondary principal plane
  • SF=distance from the surface of the first optical surface to the front focal point, called the front focal distance
  • S′F′=distance from the vertex of the second optical surface to the back focal point
  • C1=center of a hypothetical sphere whose radius (r2) is always perpendicular to the surface S2
  • C2=center of a hypothetical sphere whose radius (r1) is always perpendicular to the surface S1
  • f=effective front focal length
  • f′=effective back focal length
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