The Gate of All Nations, Persepolis, Iran (4670761086)

A.Davey from Portland, Oregon, EE UU
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I didn't have my measuring tape or transit with me when we visited Persepolis, but I have a feeling these man-bulls are taller than two six-foot humans standing one atop the other.

It's my understanding that in antiquity, before Alexander the Great and his soldiers and camp-followers burned and sacked the Palaces and other structures at Persepolis, these immense architectural sculptures were painted in a wide hue of colors.

Of course, there would have been a set of immense doors between these figures, with other huge doors elsewhere opening onto other parts of the Palace complex.

And apart from the magnificent doors, the ceiling of this and other buildings were of exotic wood, intricately carved.

It's a mixed blessing I know, but with so much of the palace gone, especially rare items such ceilings, it's less likely the good people at UESCO will try a "last minute" salvage job by putting the whole complex, or parts of it., under a big, ugly cover of some sort, as UNESCO is doing with the churches at Lalibela, Ethiopia. There is such a thing as loving a world heritage site to death.
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