
Bilden är taggad "Attribution Required" men ingen tillskrivningsinformation lämnades. Attributionsparametern utelämnades troligen när MediaWiki-mallen användes för CC-BY-licenserna. Författare och upphovsmän hittar ett exempel för korrekt användning av mallarna här.
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1648 x 1056 Pixel (376250 Bytes)
Enfants temne à Kabala, en Sierra Leone : "These are the children of Lansana Kamara, proprietor of a Kabala shop/tavern which acted as a meeting place for local people. He asked me to take a few pictures of his children and this is my favourite. While the photos were being taken, their parents were giving them instructions about how to pose; three of the four were apparently paying attention. His wives got them dressed up very elaborately for the photos and it's a shame that I didn't have colour film at the time. It was probably for the best anyway since the photo shop in Freetown could make black and white prints, but sent colour film to Italy for processing, which took quite a while and was sometimes lost in the mail. The photo was taken sometime in 1967 or 1968."
Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0

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