Swansea city centre, 15 July 2011

Matty Ring from Swansea / Portsmouth, UK
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A view of Swansea, Wales, from the top of the Meridian Tower. In the centre is the Swansea bus station, the red building behind it is the Grand Theatre. The car park belongs to the Tesco supermarket to its right, while the large complex behind it is the Quadrant Shopping Centre. The road is West Way, and the red part of it is the 'Metro' track - a bi-directional red-tarmaced dedicated busway which parallels Orchard Street, The Kingsway & West Way, linking the station in the north to the Civic Centre in the south. It was built for the Swansea ftrmetro, an ftr bus rapid transit system which uses special articulated buses, although other buses can also use the track too, as pictured here.
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