Stad Amsterdam in Nieuw Nederland (City Amsterdam in New Netherland) Castello Plan 1660

Johannes Vingboons (cartographer), Jacques Cortelyou (surveyor)
3888 x 2916 Pixel (4491349 Bytes)
Map of New Amsterdam in New Netherland (Manhattan), 1660. Title: "Afbeeldinge van de Stadt Amsterdam in Nieuw Neederlandt." Made by Johannes Vingboons (1616-1670), a cartographer of the VOC. Based on surveys by Jacques Cortelyou (1625–1693). The Grand Duke of Tuscany, Cosimo III de’ Medici (1642-1723), travelled to Amsterdam, the Netherlands in 1667. He was fascinated by Vingboons' work and bought watercolor paintings with mediation by Pieter Blaeu (1637-1706). The paintings were exhibited in his Florentine Villa di Castello.[1]
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