Soyuz MS-09 backup crew in front of the Soyuz spacecraft mockup

NASA/Elizabeth Weissinger
4928 x 3280 Pixel (2141491 Bytes)
At the Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center in Star City, Russia, Expedition 56 backup crew members Anne McClain of NASA (left), Oleg Kononenko of Roscosmos (center) and David Saint-Jacques of the Canadian Space Agency (right) pose for pictures May 10 following their final Soyuz spacecraft qualification exams. They are the backups to the prime crew of Serena Auñón-Chancellor of NASA, Sergey Prokopyev of Roscosmos and Alexander Gerst of the European Space Agency, who will launch June 6 from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan on the Soyuz MS-09 spacecraft for a six-month mission on the International Space Station.
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