Southern Celestial Map of Mestre João Faras
Mestre João Faras
Letter of Mestre João Faras to King Manuel I
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627 x 437 Pixel (4811 Bytes)
Celestial map of the southern hemisphere, including the first depiction of the Southern Cross (Crucis) constellation, by Mestre João Faras, astronomer-physician and passenger on the armada of Pedro Alvares Cabral, as sketched in his letter dated May 1, 1500 from 'Vera Cruz' (newly-discovered Brazil) to King Manuel I of Portugal. This letter was discovered and first published in 1843, in the Revista do Instituto Histórico e Geográfico Brasileiro, Rio de Janeiro, vol 5, nº 19, p.342-44. This image is reproduced in Luís de Albuquerque (1970) "A navegação astronómica" in A. Cortesão, 1970, editor, História da Cartografia Portuguesa, Coimbra, vol. 2, p.225-371.
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