Snakefly - possibly Raphidia ophiopsis
important predator of bark beetle populations
Phylum: Arthropoda Class: Insecta Infraclass: Neoptera (Neuflügler) (unranked): Eumetabola (unranked): Endopterygota (unranked): Neuropterida (Netzflüglerartige) Order: Raphidioptera HANDIRSCH, 1908 (Snakefly, Kamelhalsfliegen) Family: Raphidiidae LATREILLE, 1810 (shape of the head (caput) kite-like)
Genus: Raphidia Raphidia ophiopsis LINNAEUS, 1758 (Otternköpfchen) [det. "Arp :o)", 2012, based on photos]
taxonomical info (Dutch): more info (German):
SE-Germany, Bavaria, Bayrischer Wald: vic. Mittagsstein, ca. 700m, 19.05.2012
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