Sitona hispidulus (Curculionidae- Entiminae) - Clover weevil (9668741303)

gbohne from Berlin, Germany
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L: 3.5-4.5mm

There are 25 speciesof Sitona in Central Europe. The beetles feed mainly at night [Harde/Severa: Kosmos Käferführer, p.306]. Sitona specialize on legumes (Fabaceae); Sitona hispidulus especially on clover (Trifolium). The larvae eat the root nodules and the adults eat the leaves. Several species of Sitona are important agricultural pests of legumes [Wikipedia].

Phylum: Arthropoda Subphylum: Hexapoda Class: Insecta (insects, Insekten) Subclass: Pterygota Order: Coleoptera (beetles, Käfer) Suborder: Polyphaga Infraorder: Cucujiformia Superfamily: Curculionoidea Family: Curculionidae LATREILLE, 1802 (weevils, Rüsselkäfer)

Subfamily: Entiminae SCHÖNHERR, 1823 (broad-nosed weevils) Tribus: Sitonini GISTEL, 1848 Genus: Sitona GERMAR, 1817 (Blattrandkäfer oder Graurüssler) Sitona hispidulus FABRICIUS, 1776 ( Clover weevil, Kleerüssler) [det. Alan Thornhill, 2013, based on photos]

E-Germany, Brandenburg: Küstrin-Schwedt (Oder), 30.09.2012

Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0

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