Siege of Leningrad (winter 1941)

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File:Leningrad belagert 1941.svg by Willi P

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838 x 470 Pixel (68113 Bytes)
Map of Leningrad area, Fortress Kronstadt on the Island Kotlin and Oranienbaum bridgehead during WW II in Winter 1941. To the east around Volkhov the Sowjet „Volkhov Front“, in the center the Sowjet „Leningrad Front“, to the north areas held by Finnish troops and to the south areas held by German „Heeresgruppe Nord“. From the eastern shore of the Leningrad area there were two lines of evacuation: A ship line between Morya and Novaya Ladoga and an ice road from Vaganovo to Kobona. This was the so-called „Road of Life“.
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