Shat Gombuj Mosque (ষাট গম্বুজ মসজিদ) 002

Ashif Anam Siddique
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Bangladesh has three world heritage sites. The Shat Gombuj Mosque in Bagerhat is one of them. It is a 15th century Islamic edifice situated in the suburbs of Bagerhat (a district in Khulna Division), on the edge of the Sundarbans, some 175 km south west of Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh.

It is an enormous Moghol architectural site covering area 160×108 square feet. The mosque is unique in that, it has sixty pillars, which support eighty one exquisitely curved domes that have worn away with the passage of time. The structure of the building also represents the 15th century Turki architectural view. It is anticipated that before 1459 a greatest devotee of Islam named Khan Jahan Ali established this mosque. He was also the founder of Bagerhat district.

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