Seal of the United States Mint
U.S. Government
Extracted from PDF version of the Mint's 2006 Annual Report (direct PDF URL [1]), and colorized according to bitmap on this page.
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720 x 720 Pixel (37307 Bytes)
Seal of the United States Mint. The design is the same as the Treasury seal with a Mint inscription.
Public domain
Public domain from a copyright standpoint, but other restrictions apply. Any symbol, emblem, seal, insignia or badge of any entity of the Department of Treasury (including the Customs Service, Secret Service, and Internal Revenue Service) or any colorable imitation of such words, initials, symbols, emblems, or seals may not be used in connection with any advertisement, solicitation, business activity, or product where such use could reasonably be interpreted as conveying the false impression that such advertisement, solicitation, business activity, or product is in any manner approved, endorsed, sponsored, or authorized by, or associated with, the Department of the Treasury or any organization within the Department. See 18 U.S.C § 701, 31 U.S.C. § 333 and 31 C.F.R. Part 37.
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