Seal of the United States Department of Veterans Affairs (1989–2012)

U.S. Government
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The creation of the new Department of Veterans Affairs in 1989 required a new official seal to represent VA. In November 1988, after the law establishing VA as a cabinet department was signed, VA initiated a competition among employees for a seal design that would give the new department a "new look." The winner of that competition, and creator of today's VA seal was David E. Gregory, a medical media production specialist at the Indianapolis VA Medical Center. These are the key elements of the seal, as he described them:

  • The eagle represents the United States.
  • The circle of five stars above the eagle represents the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines and Coast Guard.
  • The two flags in the eagle's talons represent the span of America's history from 13 colonies to the present 50 states.
  • The flags are bound by a golden cord symbolic of those Americans who have fallen in service to their country.
  • The eagle holds the cord to perpetuate the memory of those veterans who have fallen and sacrificed for the nation.
More information here.
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