Sea Goddess of Mercy

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The 108-metre Sea Goddess of Mercy in the Nanshan Cultural Tourist Zone and the bridge leading to it.

Further description originally from Flickr page: "It is taller than the much more famous, much more sensible, and much less sponsored Statue of Liberty. While the lady on Ellis Island (sic) was provided as a gift by the French monarchy, (sic) this Buddhist statue was funded by Chinese companies, looking for karma or lucre, I'm not sure which. For a religious icon, it is also remarkable young, having been built only in the last five years. Welcome to China!

"The statue actually looks the same from three different angles, giving it a rotational symmetry of sorts. But I didn't know this at the time I took the photograph. So, if you like, pretend you don't know it either."
Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0

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