Sample 09-F9 protest art, Free Speech Flag by John Marcotte

John Marcotte

Source code:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<svg xmlns="" width="480" height="288">
<rect fill="#09F911" width="96" height="288"/>
<rect fill="#029D74" width="96" height="288" x="96"/>
<rect fill="#E35BD8" width="96" height="288" x="192"/>
<rect fill="#4156C5" width="96" height="288" x="288"/>
<rect fill="#635688" width="96" height="288" x="384"/>
<text font-size="32" fill="white" font-family="Bitstream Vera Sans" x="388.1" y="269.3">+<tspan font-size="48">C0</tspan></text>
480 x 288 Pixel (507 Bytes)
SVG version of a flag protesting the suppression of an HD-DVD encryption key, see AACS encryption key controversy.

Text description of the flag by author John Marcotte:

Free Speech Flag -- Our government has become increasingly willing to sacrifice the rights of its citizens at the altar of corporate greed. As ridiculous as it sounds, even numbers have become “intellectual property” that corporations can claim ownership of. We here at Badmouth think that idea stinks. We want to start a movement, a movement to reclaim personal liberties and decorporatize the laws of our nation.

To that end we have made a flag, a symbol to show support for personal freedoms. Spread it as far and wide as you can. We give this flag away freely, and also give away the rights for people to make similar, derivative works. the colors of the flag are (in hex code format):

#09F911 #029D74 #E35BD8 #4156C5 #635688

The letters "C0" are added to signify that simply publishing a number is "Crime Zero".

Spread the word.

Public domain
VRT Wikimedia

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