STS057-89-067 - Wisoff on the Arm (Retouched)

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Eget arbete baserat på: STS057-89-067 - Wisoff on the Arm (Raw scan).tif från NASA
5230 x 5230 Pixel (32774732 Bytes)
STS057-89-67 - Against the blackness of space, Mission Specialist Peter J.K. Wisoff, wearing an extravehicular mobility unit, stands on a Portable Foot Restraint (PFR), Manipulator Foot Restraint (MFR) attached to the End Effector of the Remote Manipulator System (RMS), colloquially known as the "robot arm". Wisoff is being maneuvered above the payload bay of Endeavour as part of Detailed Test Objective (DTO) extravehicular activity procedures. DTO results will assist in refining several procedures being developed to service the Hubble Space Telescope on mission STS-61 in December 1993. The Earth's surface and the Endeavour payload bay are reflected in Wisoff's helmet visor.
Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0

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