STS-91 crew

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STS-91 CREW PORTRAIT (January 1998) --- The final crew members scheduled to visit Russia's Mir Space Station pose for a crew portrait during training at the Johnson Space Center (JSC). Pictured with their helmets in front are astronauts Dominic C. Gorie (left) and Charles J. Precourt. Others, from the left, are Wendy B. Lawrence, Franklin R. Chang-Diaz, Janet L. Kavandi, Valeriy V. Ryumin and Andrew S. W. Thomas. Precourt is mission commander, and Gorie, pilot, for Discovery's summer 1998 mission to Mir. Thomas, who will have been serving as a guest researcher on Mir since late January, will return to Earth with the crew members. Lawrence, Chang-Diaz, Kavandi and Ryumin are all mission specialists. Ryumin represents the Russian Space Agency (RSA). Discovery will carry the single module version of Spacehab for the scheduled nine-day mission.
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