Ruinerna av Brätte, Vänersborgs föregångare som stad, den 10 januari 2008, bild 2

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The ruins of Brätte, parent town of Vänersborg. It was some time in the 1580s that Brätte market place was obtained its first charter. Trade here “took off” with the growth of the iron trade southwards from the landscape Värmland. Brätte had a brief period of greatness in the 1610s, when its population was doubled by fugitives from the town Nya Lödöse, after that settlement had fallen to the Danes. The boom ended in 1619, when Sweden recovered the occupied territories. The Brätte settlement was transferred in 1641 to Huvudnäs, and the new Brätte, re-named Vänersborg, received its first charter in 1644. Some of the finds from excavions at Brätte are on display in Vänersborgs museum. The last excavation was made 1944.
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