Gaumont newsreel footage, unused/unissued, of the fatal fall of Franz Reichelt from the Eiffel Tower, Paris, France, 4th February 1912.
Austrian-born Franz Reichelt was a French tailor, inventor and parachuting pioneer.
On February 4, 1912, to test a wearable parachute of his own design, he jumped
from the Eiffel Tower, to his death.
Franz Reichelt is first shown wearing the parachute apparatus he designed and invented, before he ascends the Eiffel Tower. He tips his cap.
French intertitle:
Comme s'il eut pressent l'horrible sort qui l'attendait, le malheureux inventor hesita longuement avant de se lancer dans la vide.
English translation:
As if aware of the horrible fate awaiting him, the unfortunate inventor hesitated a long time before launching himself into the void.
Reichelt stands on the rail of the first platform of the Eiffel Tower,
where two assistants attend. Reichelt prepares to jump. He hesitates on
the brink for some time, with false starts, back and forth, then jumps.
Seen from the base of the tower, Reichelt plummets straight down to his death.
Police and others crowd around the body of Reichelt as it is carried away.
The author is unattributed in the original footage (see
Anonymous/collective works have their copyright expire 70 years after first publication in FranceMer information om licensen för bilden finns här. Senaste uppdateringen: Tue, 14 Jan 2025 16:58:15 GMT