Regions of Côte d'Ivoire numbered (new 2011 regions)

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Locator map for the 31 regions of Côte d'Ivoire. These are the second-level administrative subdivision regions that were created in 2011–12. The 14 first-level administrative subdivision districts are created by combining two to four regions; their borders are marked in red.

Key: 1. Agnéby-Tiassa 2. Bafing 3. Bagoué 4. Bélier 5. Béré 6. Bounkani 7. Cavally 8. Folon 9. Gbeke 10. Gbôkle 11. Gôh 12. Gontougo 13. Grands Ponts 14. Guémon 15. Hambol 16. Haut-Sassandra 17. Iffou 18. Indénié-Djuablin 19. Kabadougou 20. La Mé (Massan) 21. Lôh-Djiboua 22. Marahoué 23. Moronou 24. Nawa 25. N'Zi 26. Poro 27. San-Pédro 28. Sud-Comoé 29. Tchologo 30. Tonkpi 31. Worodougou

A. Autonomous District of Abidjan (not a region or divided into regions)

B. Autonomous District of Yamoussoukro (not a region or divided into regions)
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