RIT building - Mark Ellingson Hall
Matthew D. Wilson (LtPowers)
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A dormitory, Mark Ellingson Hall, on the RIT campus, building 50a. Mark W. Ellingson was the president of RIT for 33 years. He presided over the name change from "Rochester Atheaneum and Mechanics Institute" to "Rochester Institute of Technology" in 1944 and the move from downtown Rochester to a new suburban campus in 1968. He was also president when U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the law establishing the National Technical Institute of the Deaf; Ellingson led the successful effort to have RIT selected as the home for NTID. The dormitory named for him is the one closest to the Lyndon Baines Johnson building, NTID's main academic building, and the one best outfitted for accessibility for deaf students. Ellingson Hall, with twelve stories plus a small penthouse loft, is the tallest building on the RIT campus. In front (left) of Ellingson Hall is the Hettie L. Shumway Dining Commons. Peter Peterson Hall and Alexander Graham Bell Hall extend toward the camera from Ellingson Hall's right side. Sol Heumann Hall, nine stories tall, is on the right; it's located somewhat behind Ellingson Hall relative to the camera, so it appears shorter from this perspective than it really is.
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