Portrait of Judge Manuel Requena, ca.1830-1880 (CHS-870)
Pierce, C.C. (Charles C.), 1861-1946
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Portrait of Judge Manuel Requena, ca.1830-1880
Photographic portrait of Judge Manuel Requena, ca.1830-1880. He is visible from his lower legs to his head and is looking straight ahead while his body is turned slightly to the left. He is dressed in a three-piece suit and is wearing a cravat. Born 1802 in Yucatan, Mexico, he came to Los Angeles in 1834. He was the first county recorder and on the first board of county supervisors (1852).
Photographic portrait of Judge Manuel Requena, ca.1830-1880. He is visible from his lower legs to his head and is looking straight ahead while his body is turned slightly to the left. He is dressed in a three-piece suit and is wearing a cravat. Born 1802 in Yucatan, Mexico, he came to Los Angeles in 1834. He was the first county recorder and on the first board of county supervisors (1852).
Public domain
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