Phytolacca dioica flowers

Tatiana Gerus from Brisbane, Australia
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[ The drooping racemes of Omb� tree (Phytolacca dioica)]

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Phytolacca dioica Phytolaccaceae

Common names:

   * omb�   (Spanish, Argentine)
   * belhambra   (English)
   * bobbejaandruifboom   (Afrikaans)
   * bella sombra   ( Spanish)

it is a very large tree with massive trunk (the photo below), and I was much surprised to find out it is actually not a tree but a giant evergreen herb with a soft sappy woody stem! Its multiple stems grow together forming a big nice shady tree. The Ombu native to Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay. It is the only tree-like plant that lives on the Pampas. Good info here:

Location: Mt. Coot-tha Botanic Garden, Brisbane, Australia
Creative Commons Attribution 2.0

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