Panulirus interruptus distribution
- North_America_second_level_political_division_2.svg: Alex Covarrubias
- derivative work: Stemonitis (talk)
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Map of North America and its second-level political divisions. Canadian provinces, US and Mexican states. Canada, Mexico, United States. Non-contiguous parts of a states/provinces are "grouped" together with the main area of the state/provinces, so any state/provinces can be coloured in completion with one click anywhere on the state/provinces's area. Also, all states/provinces have a "id" attached to them, making them easy to find. Select "find" and then enter in the state/provinces's ISO 3166-2 code in the "id" field to find it. The codes can be found here (Canada), here (USA) and here (Mexico).
Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5
Mer information om licensen för bilden finns här. Senaste uppdateringen: Tue, 10 Sep 2024 23:05:56 GMT