Pandora - Melodifestivalen 2025, Västerås - Genrep Fredag-5 (cropped)

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Melodifestivalen 2025

This photograph was taken by Adam Fröjdfeldt during Melodifestivalen 2025's third heat in Västerås.
If you wish to use it outside of Wikimedia's projects, please credit the photograph with this following byline:
Musical notes
Wikimedia Sverige

The photographer of this photograph was assisted in acquiring press accreditation by the non-profit organisation Wikimedia Sverige (WMSE), a local chapter of the Wikimedia Foundation in Sweden, to attend and photograph during this event. This does however not imply any endorsement by the organisation for this media.

The copyright owner of this photograph is Adam Fröjdfeldt, not Wikimedia Sverige, Wikimedia Foundation, Wikipedia or Wikimedia Commons.

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Mer information om licensen för bilden finns här. Senaste uppdateringen: Fri, 28 Feb 2025 00:07:30 GMT