Palais de l'Industrie (Exposition universelle de 1855)
E. Thérond
Adolphe Laurent Joanne, « Paris illustré: nouveau guide de l'étranger et du Parisien », Hachette, 1867, p.699
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2224 x 1581 Pixel (1219189 Bytes)
The central nave of the Palais de l'Industrie during the 1855 Paris World Fair. The frame/portal-like exhibit (supporting a large pane of glass inside?) reads "St-Gobain", a manufacturer of construction materials, at the time notably mirrors. The sign's letter N is a mirror image (И), but another contemporary depiction doesn't show this particularity. The accompanying text, which was published 12 years after the expo, does not mention this exhibit or the company.
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