Pal Joensen Faroese swimmer

Eileen Sandá
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Pál Joensen is a Fareose swimmer. He won three gold medals in the European Junior Swimming Championship in Belgrade 2008. Pál won the gold medals in 400m, 800m and 1500m freestyle. He comes from a village in Suðuroy which is called Vágur and has around 1400 inhabitants. Later, in 2010, when he was old enough to swim with the adults, he won a silver medal in the European Swimming Championships (LC) in 1500 meters freestyle. On 31 Juli 2011 he was number four at the World Championship in Shanghai (LC) with the time 14:46.33. Joensen has qualified for the Olympic Games in London 2012, he will swim for Denmark, because the Faroe Islands are not recognized as an independent state. The Faroe Islands are a self-governing part of the Danish Kingdom just like Greenland. (Updated in August 2011)
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