PTRS168 0637
Philibert Charles Berjeau (1846–1912)
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society 168: An Account of the Petrological, Botanical, and Zoological Collections Made in Kerguelen's Land and Rodriguez During the Transit of Venus Expedition Carried Out by Order of Her Majesty's Government in the Years 1871-1875 (Plate XVII)
Kort länk:
2445 x 3274 Pixel (1347826 Bytes)
- Porania antarctica Smith = Porania antarctica E.A.Smith, 1876, from below
- Leptoptychaster kerguelenensis (Smith) = Leptychaster kerguelensis (E.A.Smith, 1876), from below
- Ophiacantha vivipara Ljungman = Ophiacantha vivipara Ljungman, 1870, disc from below (a: segment of arms from below, b: segment of arms from above, c: interambulacral plate)
- Ophioglypha hexactis Smith = Ophionotus hexactis (E.A.Smith, 1876), disc with arm from below (a: segment of arms from below, b: segment of arms from above)
- Ophioglypha brevispina Smith = Ophiura brevispina (E.A.Smith, 1876), disc with arm from below (a: disc from above, b: interambulacral plate)
Public domain
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