Number 4468 Mallard in York

PTG Dudva
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The famous speed record holding steam locomotive No. 4468 Mallard at the National Railway Museum in York.

Having been a long term static exhibit here a few yards away inside the Great Hall, she is pictured here outside in the summer sun, on one of the two turntable access sidings on the north side of the hall. This venture outside was so she could be posed alongside new build steam locomotive No. 60163 Tornado (pictured in this image on the other siding).

This was because the next day Tornado was to be given the honour of towing Mallard to the NRM's satellite site, the Shildon Locomotion Museum in County Durham. This would be first time Mallard would be seen on the main line for a number of years. See this image for a picture of the move taking place.

She was returned to York over a year later on 19 July 2011, this time towed by No. 5972 Olton Hall (of Harry Potter fame).
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