
Kevin Heider @ LightBuckets

This image was taken by Kevin Heider using LB-004 at LightBuckets in Pingelly, Australia.
Raw image from telescope (The wiki image is rotated 180 degrees to match Wikisky)
Use Wikisky and enter coordinates 04 47 54.20 -10 10 42.4 to locate this region of the sky.

Skyview (NASA Virtual Telescope) website / Skyview image (centered near a mag 15.35 star)
1336 x 994 Pixel (185161 Bytes)
2 minute exposure of Nova Eridani 2009 with a 14" telescope at 2009-11-30 16:13 UT (2009-12-01 00:13 Pingelly time) in the constellation Eridanus. This image was taken with a 96% full moon nearby. The source of this He/N-class nova could be an apparent magnitude 15.35 star. In the upper right hand corner is the star HD 30437 at a known magnitude of 10.2. On 2009-11-28 the nova was estimated at magnitude 8.4. Other names for this nova are: 000-BJR-847, VSX J044754.2-101043, and N Eri 2009.
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