Noel Gallagher playing Champagne Supernova

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Taken at the Oasis Concert @ Bell Centre, Montreal, Canada on 5th September, 2008.

Oasis is an mutli award winning rock band hailing from Manchester, England. Composed of Liam Gallagher (Vocals), Noel Gallagher (Vocals & Guitar), Gem Archer (Guitar), Andy Bell (Guitar) & Chris Sharrock (Drums), they have sold over 50 million records. The concert was opened by Ryan Adams and the Cardinals. Funny that I found Ryan standing beside me on the floors during the break.

News: At the Virgin Mobile Festival 2008 in Toronto, Noel was attacked on stage while playing 'Morning Glory' and thrown over his monitor speakers. Sad! Anyway, the 'fan' receive generous punches by his fellow earthlings while being escorted out of the stadium.
This image, which was originally posted to Flickr, was uploaded to Commons using Flickr upload bot on 27 april 2009, 23:35 by Rambo's Revenge. On that date, it was confirmed to be licensed under the terms of the license indicated.
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