New Zealand Dotterel Waiheke Island

Chris Gin from Auckland, New Zealand
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New Zealand dotterels used to be common around many areas of New Zealand, but they are now an endangered species, and are only found in a few places. In the year 2000 there were only about 1300 Northern NZ dotterels. There are more Northern NZ dotterel than Southern NZ dotterel, but they are still endangered. And because of people and predators the population is going down each year.

Parent birds lay eggs in the spring and summer, between October and early January. Because nests are on the ground the chicks have strong legs and can walk the day they hatch. When they are young they are very small and look like fluffy bumblebees with long legs.

To lure away human invaders, they will frequently run in front of you, semi–crouched with the head turned back to make sure you are following. This little one was doing just that. I thought it was stalking me...!

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