Nectarine Fruit Development

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Nectarine (Prunus persica) fruit development over a 7½ month period, from early winter to midsummer; East Gippsland, Victoria, Australia.
  1. Bud formation can be observed on new growth on the plant (early winter) (individual image)
  2. Flower buds clearly formed and leaves start to develop (early spring, ≈ 3 months) (individual image).
  3. Flowers fully develop and are pollinated by wind or insects (early spring, ≈ 3½ months) (individual image).
  4. If successfully pollinated, flowers die back and incipient fruit can be observed; leaves have quickly grown to provide tree with food and energy from photosynthesis (mid-spring, ≈ 4 months) (individual image).
  5. Fruit is well developed and continues to grow (late spring, ≈ 5½ months) (individual image).
  6. Fruit fully ripens to an edible form to encourage spreading of seed contained within by animals (midsummer, ≈ 7½ months) (individual image).
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