Nautilus anatomy

Lawrence E. Griffin
text-fig. 1 (pp. 106/107) in: The anatomy of Nautilus pompilius. Memoirs of the National Academy of Sciences 8(5):103–197
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Diagramatic longitudinal section of a female Nautilus pompilius. A=Anus, S=Siphuncle, Coe=Coelum, ST=Stomach, L=Liver, Hae=Hemocele, PV=Proventriculus (crop), DM=Dorsal Mantle, CG=Cerebral Ganglion, CF=Crescental Fold, Ho=Hood, Mm=Mantibular Muscle, UJ=Upper Jaw, LJ=Lower Jaw, T=Tongue, P' and P''=Prelingual Processes, R=Radula, ILL=Infra-labial Lobe, CS=Cephalic Sheath, FV=Funnel Valve, F=Funnel, PG=Pedal Commissure, C=Cartilage, PVG=Pleuro-Visceral Ganglion, VC=Vena Cava, VM=Ventral Mantle, G=Gills, NG=Nidamental Gland (female only), PP=Preanal Papilla, PO=Pericardial Pore, RO=Renal Pore, Per G=Pericardial Gland, I=Intestine, H=Heart, PVL=Pericardial Division of Coelum, OV=Ovaries.
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