National Council of Women, Christchurch, 1896
According to the National Library of New Zealand the photographer is unidentified.
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4996 x 3623 Pixel (9293150 Bytes)
National Council of Women, Christchurch, 1896. From left, standing: Mrs A Ansell (Dunedin), Mrs Henry Smith (Christchurch), Miss A E Hookham (Christchurch), Mrs G Ross (Christchurch), Miss Jessie Mackay (Christchurch), Mrs Isherwood (Christchurch), Mrs Black (Christchurch), Mrs Widdowson (Christchurch), Miss F Garstin (Christchurch), Mrs Wallis (Christchurch), Mrs Darling (Christchurch), Mrs J M Williamson (Wanganui), Mrs Wilson (Christchurch).
Seated: Mrs G J Smith (Christchurch), Mrs A Daldy (Auckland), Mrs Hatton (Dunedin; Vice-president), Lady Anna Stout (Wellington, Vice-president), Mrs Kate Sheppard (Christchurch; president), Mrs A J Schnackenberg (Auckland; Vice-president), Mrs W Sievwight (Gisborne), Mrs M A Tasker (Wellington), Mrs D Izett (Christchurch, secretary). Seated on floor: Mrs Clara Alley (Malvern), Mrs A Wells (Christchurch), Miss Bain (Christchurch). Photographer unidentified.
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