Nancy Storace Portrait By Pietro Bettelini 2

1506 x 1986 Pixel (1865645 Bytes)

Portrait of Nancy Storace (1765-1817), English soprano. Printed in April 12, 1788 by Moltens Colnaghi & Co No. 32 Pall Mall, and in Paris by chez Tessari Zanna et Ce. Quay de Augustins No 42.

Detta är en retuscherad eller på annat sätt behandlad bild, med vilket menas att den har redigerats digitalt från sitt original. Redigeringar: There was a lot of staining to the paper, and one or two bits where either the hand-tinting hadn't been done very well, or water damage had occured. As the hand-tinting was generally done as a batch, and not by the artist who made the original engraving, I decided to try and make it look like the best possible copy of the mass-produced hand-tinted engraving..

Public domain

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