Multiple Carcinoid Tumors of the Small Bowel 2
The photo shows the same case presented in Image:Multiple Carcinoid Tumors of the Small Bowel 1.jpg.
The medium close-up photo above shows a segmental small bowel resection en face, the long axis of the bowel oriented horizontally in the frame. One of the carcinoids is present centrally. Note that the tumor effaces the mossy, villous surface of the mucosa only to a mild degree.
The photos were taken with a Nikon FE2 and 50-something mm Nikkor macro lens with Elite ISO 100 daylight film and a blue color compensation filter. For the middle photo, I found that shading some of the illumination on one side helped to bring out the villous texture of the mucosa.
Photograph by Ed Uthman, MD. Public domain. Posted 28 Oct 99Mer information om licensen för bilden finns här. Senaste uppdateringen: Fri, 08 Sep 2023 15:45:36 GMT