Abd el-Ouahed ben Messaoud ben Mohammed Anoun, Moorish Ambassador to Queen Elizabeth I
title QS:P1476,en:"Abd el-Ouahed ben Messaoud ben Mohammed Anoun, Moorish Ambassador to Queen Elizabeth I"
label QS:Len,"Abd el-Ouahed ben Messaoud ben Mohammed Anoun, Moorish Ambassador to Queen Elizabeth I"
«Абд аль-Вахид ибн Масуд ибн Мухаммед Анун, маврский посол к Королеве Елизавете I»
title QS:P1476,ru:"Абд аль-Вахид ибн Масуд ибн Мухаммед Анун, маврский посол к Королеве Елизавете I"
label QS:Lru,"Абд аль-Вахид ибн Масуд ибн Мухаммед Анун, маврский посол к Королеве Елизавете I"

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A reproduction of an Elizabethan painting of the Moorish ambassador who visited Queen Elizabeth I from Barbary in 1600 to propose an alliance against Spain. The original belongs to the collection of the University of Birmingham, England. It is the earliest surviving English portrait of a Muslim sitter.[1]
Inscriptions to the left: 1600 / Abdulguahid (Abd el-Ouahed). Aetatis (‘Age’): 42.
Right: Legatus regis Barbariae in Angliam (‘ambassador of the king of Barbary to England’).
Public domain

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