Moon and Asteroids 1 to 10

19:30, 6 July 2007 version on this page
640 x 360 Pixel (1946 Bytes)
Sizes of the first ten Asteroids to be discovered compared to the Earth's Moon, all to scale.

The objects, left to right are: 1 dwarf planet Ceres, 2 Pallas, 3 Juno, 4 Vesta, 5 Astraea, 6 Hebe, 7 Iris, 8 Flora, 9 Metis, and 10 Hygiea.

The scale is 10 km/px on the original image, though not necessarily on the repro here.
Public domain
See below. All I did was to edit some of the values of ry and rx attributes by removing whitespace that made asteroids 5 through 9 invisible when viewed by clicking on the link to the file. Edited by Melab-1

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