Marcianus gr. 299 fol 6

Marcelin Berthelot et E. Ruelle Collection des anciens alchimistes grecs 3 vol, Paris, 1888
691 x 1057 Pixel (160563 Bytes)
1888 reproduction of the medieval Venetian manuscript Marcianus graecus 299, folio 6. Translation:
Scientific symbols that are found in the technical writings of the philosophers; they are above all the symbols of what they call mystical philosophy
[left column]:
gold (), gold filings (), gold leaf/foil (🜚⃞), calcinated/refined gold (),
(5) electrum (), gold solder (), gold alloy (), silver (), silver ore (),
(10) silver shavings (), silver foil (☾⃞), silver solder (+ a second symbol), calcinated/refined silver (), Cypriot copper (),
(15) copper ore (), copper filings (), copper foil (♀⃞), calcinated/oxidized copper (), verdigris (),
(20) orichalcum ("mountain copper", an unknown alloy later identified as brass), iron () (+ a second symbol), iron ore [duplicates previous; would expect ], iron filings (), iron foil (♂⃞),
(25) iron rust [= iron ore?] , lead ();
[right column]:
Sun - gold (), Moon - silver (), bright Saturn - lead (), resplendent Jupiter - electrum (Ƶ),
(5) flaming Mars - iron (), shining Venus - copper (), bright Mercury - tin (),
[lines 8–9 blank]
(10) lead ore (), molybdochalkos (lead-copper alloy), lead filings (), calcinated lead (), tin (+ a variant form) (),
(15) tin ore (), tin filings (), tin foil (☿⃞), calcinated tin (), mercury (),
(20) 'fog' (condensed vapour) (Ⲛꙴ ), white concretion (coagulum, Ⲗ☾), yellow concretion (Ⲛꙴ 🜚︎), litharge (), incombustible sulfur,
(25) sulfur, native sulfur, selenite (Ⲫ☾)
Public domain

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