Mangrove Blue Flycatcher (Cyornis rufigastra), Rakata, Krakatau (1)

Lip Kee from Singapore, Republic of Singapore
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Mangrove Blue Flycatcher Cyornis rufigastra rhizophorae - juvenile.

Date: 25th. September 2011 Location: Rakata, Kratatau, Indonesia

Difficult to determine from Clements if this more likely the nominate race Cyornis rufigastra rufigastra or Cyornis rufigastra rhizophorae. After the 1883 eruption Kratatau was repopulated with birds from Sumatra mainly as it is nearer the northern island. Java is at least 45 m from Rakata (the remnant of the original Krakatau pre 1883). Sebesi Island is 20km to the north of Rakata. The Sumatran Island is another 20 km north of Sebesi.

Sebesi is mentioned as populated by the race rhizophorae. This makes it the logical choice.
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