M45 (4)

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1620 x 1215 Pixel (404298 Bytes)

Subject: M45 -- Pleiades

Image FOV = 3 degrees by 2.25 degrees (180 by 135 minutes)

Image scale: 6.666 arc-second/pixel

Date: 2008/10/03, 2008/10/23

Location: near Halcottsville, NY

Exposure: 44 x 10minutes = 7h20m total exposure, ISO 400, f/4.8

Filters: IDAS LP filter

Camera: Hutech-modified Canon 30D

Telescope: SV80S 80mm f/6 + TV TRF-2008 0.8X reducer/flattener = 384mm, f/4.8

Mount: Astro-Physics AP900

Guiding: ST-402 autoguider through SV66 guidescope, MaximDL autoguiding software with 5-second and 6-second guide exposures

Processing: Raw conversion and calibration with ImagesPlus; Aligning and combining with Registar; levels, unsharp mask, color balance, cropping and JPEG conversion with Photoshop CS. No noise reduction.

Remarks: Temperature at end: 30F on 2008/10/03, 18F on 2008/10/23; SQM-L readings: 2008/10/03 -- 21.27 start, 21.33 end; 2008/10/23 -- 21.33 start, 21.40 middle, 21.24 end (crescent moonrise)
Creative Commons Attribution 2.0

Mer information om licensen för bilden finns här. Senaste uppdateringen: Fri, 01 Mar 2024 10:24:24 GMT