Low Point Lighthouse, located in New Victoria, Nova Scotia, Canada
I left the lighthouse, not getting the great colours I had hoped for but as I was leaving I went in a different direction than normal and managed to get this shot which I liked.
The first lighthouse was an octagonal wood tower built in 1832, 21 meters (69ft) high. It had a round iron lantern and a 3rd order double bullseye lens manufactured in France. This lighthouse was replaced in 1936 by the current concrete tower, but the original lantern and lens were retained. It has the only remaining circular lantern in Nova Scotia.
Location: Northeast entrance to Sydney Harbour
Began and Lit: 1938 Tower Height: 22 meters (72ft) Light Height: 23.8 meters (78ft) above water level Characteristic: Flashing White (1992) Still operating: True
Region: Cape Breton Island Scenic Drive: Marconi Trail
This photo is of a cultural heritage site in Canada, number 13966 in the Canadian Register of Historic Places.Mer information om licensen för bilden finns här. Senaste uppdateringen: Sun, 18 Aug 2024 16:11:31 GMT