Ljubljana Montage 2
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Updated montage of Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Clockwise from top: Ljubljana Castle and Old Town (on the left of the top image) with Slovenska Street (in the center of the top image) and modern buildings (on the right of the top image); Ljubljanica River (with the Triple Bridge in distance); Ljubljana City Hall; Visitation of Mary Church at Rožnik Hill; Dragon on the Dragon Bridge; Kazina Palace at Congress Square.
Clockwise from top: Ljubljana Castle and Old Town (on the left of the top image) with Slovenska Street (in the center of the top image) and modern buildings (on the right of the top image); Ljubljanica River (with the Triple Bridge in distance); Ljubljana City Hall; Visitation of Mary Church at Rožnik Hill; Dragon on the Dragon Bridge; Kazina Palace at Congress Square.
Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0
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