Kladderadatsch 1875 - Zwischen Berlin und Rom

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Kulturkampf caricature "Between Berlin and Rome" from Kladderadatsch, 16 May 1875. The caption reads:
(Pope:) "The last move was certainly very unpleasant for me; but that doesn't yet mean the game is lost. I have one more very fine move up my sleeve!"
(Bismarck:) "It will also be the last, and then you are mated in a few moves - at least for Germany."

On the lower left corner of the table, it can be seen that several bishops have already been imprisoned (internirt) by Bismarck. Some of the chess pieces bear words: Interdict, Encycl., Syllab. and Klostergesetz. Others are symbols of German state power (Germania represents the German Empire, section signs represent German law) or Catholic ecclesiastical power (mitres represent episcopal authority).

Note the caricaturist's error in orienting the chessboard by placing white squares on players' left.
Public domain

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