Kabbalistic Tree of Life (Sephiroth)
Eget arbete -- Vector equivalent of File:Tree of Life (Sephiroth).jpg, created from scratch using fonts and the following vector PostScript source code:
%! 300 396 translate .45 dup scale /c{100 0 360 arc closepath gsave .8 setgray fill grestore stroke}def/q 283 3 sqrt div def 16 setlinewidth .784 .863 .69 setrgbcolor 0 q 4 mul moveto -283 q neg rlineto stroke 0 q 4 mul moveto 283 q neg rlineto stroke 283 q 3 mul moveto -566 q -2 mul rlineto stroke -283 q 3 mul moveto 566 q -2 mul rlineto stroke 0 0 moveto 283 q 3 mul rlineto stroke 0 0 moveto -283 q 3 mul rlineto stroke 0 0 moveto 283 q rlineto stroke 0 0 moveto -283 q rlineto stroke 0 0 moveto 283 q neg rlineto stroke 0 0 moveto -283 q neg rlineto stroke 0 q -2 mul moveto 283 q rlineto stroke 0 q -2 mul moveto -283 q rlineto stroke .608 .702 .812 setrgbcolor 283 q 3 mul moveto 0 q -4 mul rlineto stroke -283 q 3 mul moveto 0 q -4 mul rlineto stroke 0 q 4 mul moveto 0 q -8 mul rlineto stroke .885 .678 .678 setrgbcolor 283 q 3 mul moveto -566 0 rlineto stroke 283 q moveto -566 0 rlineto stroke 283 q neg moveto -566 0 rlineto stroke 0 setgray 4 setlinewidth 0 0 c 283 q c 283 q neg c -283 q c -283 q neg c 0 q -2 mul c 0 q -4 mul c 283 q 3 mul c -283 q 3 mul c 0 q 4 mul c showpage %EOF
Kort länk:
372 x 720 Pixel (71021 Bytes)
Kabbalistic "Tree of life" with the ten Sephiroth and the 22 Hebrew letters as they are presented in the Sefer Yetzirah (Book of Formation). Latin-alphabet consonants have their German pronunciation...
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