John Raleigh Mott, 1910
Google Books - (1910-08). "The Edinburgh Conference: A Forward Look". The American Review of Reviews XLII: 187. New York: The Review of Reviews Co..
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1910 photograph of John Raleigh Mott. Caption: "DR. JOHN R. MOTT. CHAIRMAN OF THE "CONTINUATION COMMITTEE" OF THE WORLD MISSIONARY CONFERENCE (Mr. Mott, who was the presiding officer at the business sessions of the Edinburgh Conference, has been closely identified with religious work among students ever since his graduation from Cornell in 1888. He has been the moving spirit in the extension of the Young Men's Christian Association among universities, colleges, and professional schools, throughout the world, a movement which now enrolls in 'its various branches 135,000 students and teachers. His repeated tours of the world in the interest of this organization have brought him into close touch with missionary enterprises in many lands. Edinburgh University has conferred on Mr. Mott the degree of LL. D.)"
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