Ischemic Stroke

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An ischemic stroke results from a clot forming in one of the brain’s arteries blocking the blood flow to a specific portion of the brain. This results in the death of the affected brain cells if the clot isn’t dealt with in time.

1. This is a cross section of the brain allowing for the main arteries supplying blood to the brain to be seen.

2. The artery of the brain which carries nutrient containing blood from the heart and lungs to the brain thus allowing for energy creation by the brain cells to keep them alive.

3. The clot, a concentration of blood cells in the artery, blocks the flow of blood to the brain making it hard for the nutrients to reach the brain cells, and after many minutes, the eventual death of the brain cells.

4. Tributary arteries supply blood to the brain both under regular conditions and in the occurrence of a clot in the main blood supplying arteries.

The result of an ischemic stroke is individualized depending on where in the brain the clot formed and how severe the brain damage was. Common disabilities as a result of an ischemic stroke are speech and vision disabilities, physical disabilities, memory loss, and behavior changes.
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