Interior tipping bucket

Ingen maskinläsbar skapare angavs. CambridgeBayWeather antaget (baserat på upphovsrättsanspråk).
Ingen maskinläsbar källa angavs. Eget arbete antaget (baserat på upphovsrättsanspråk).
1632 x 1232 Pixel (717326 Bytes)
The interior of a tipping bucket rain gauge. On the left side can be seen a collection of rain (slightly darker area). At the time this picture was taken there had been no rain for more than 24 hours. This means that even a small amount of rain will cause the lever to tip and register 0.2 mm, giving an incorrect reading. It is for this reason that the standard rain gauge is used to measure the quantity of rainfall. The large, grey coiled object below the tipping bucket assembly is a weatherproof flexible conduit that carries the sensor wires to the rainfall recorder. Picture taken at Cambridge Bay, Nunavut, Canada.
Public domain

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