Independence of the Seas passing Calshot Spit light


This image photographed by Brian Burnell with permission was uploaded to Commons by George Hutchinson.
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154,407 gross tons Independence of the Seas passing Calshot Spit light buoy in The Solent, outward bound from Southampton. Image uploaded by me George.Hutchinson from a photograph taken by and supplied by Brian Burnell. The photograph should be attributed to Brian Burnell.

Wikipedia editors are reminded that the copyright remains with the photographer, and that the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported Licence that allow editors to reuse this image apply to Wikipedia editors also, as they do to other reusers of this image. Breaches of the licence terms are not only unlawful, but are also antisocial, in that breaches discourage photographers from making their images freely available to everyone without payment.

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